Useful Classes

How to Use Guava BiMap for Inverse Map Lookup

A BiMap is useful in scenarios where you need to look up data in both directions.

For example, if you have a mapping between employee IDs and names, and you want to quickly retrieve an employee’s ID based on their name or vice versa, a BiMap can provide this functionality.

Guava provides an implementation of the BiMap interface called HashBiMap. Let’s see you can use it.

Use Guava Multiset to Count the Occurences of Elements in a List

The Multiset class in Google’s Guava library provides a powerful data structure that extends the capabilities of a traditional Set by allowing multiple occurrences of the same element. This makes Multiset particularly useful for counting elements and solving problems where element frequency matters.

How to Use Guava Stopwatch

The Stopwatch class in Google’s Guava library is a powerful utility for measuring elapsed time in our applications. It simplifies the process of tracking how long operations take, which can be useful for performance monitoring, debugging, and optimization.

Mastering Google Guava Multimap for Efficient Data Grouping

Google Guava is a powerful library that complements the Java Standard Library with additional utilities and data structures. One such versatile data structure provided by Guava is the Multimap. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what a Multimap is, its use cases, and how to effectively utilize it in your Java applications.