Java Collections

How to Use Guava BiMap for Inverse Map Lookup

A BiMap is useful in scenarios where you need to look up data in both directions.

For example, if you have a mapping between employee IDs and names, and you want to quickly retrieve an employee’s ID based on their name or vice versa, a BiMap can provide this functionality.

Guava provides an implementation of the BiMap interface called HashBiMap. Let’s see you can use it.

Use Guava Multiset to Count the Occurences of Elements in a List

The Multiset class in Google’s Guava library provides a powerful data structure that extends the capabilities of a traditional Set by allowing multiple occurrences of the same element. This makes Multiset particularly useful for counting elements and solving problems where element frequency matters.

Guide to Java 8 IntStream

Java 8 introduced the Stream API, which revolutionized the way we work with collections in Java. Among the various stream types, IntStream is a specialized stream that deals exclusively with primitive int values. In this comprehensive guide, we will take a deep dive into IntStream, exploring its features, use cases, and how to harness its power in your Java applications.

Guide to Java 8 Stream.reduce() method

In the world of Java programming, Java 8 introduced the Stream API, which revolutionized the way we work with collections. Among the numerous features Stream offers, the reduce() method stands out as a powerful tool for performing aggregation operations on a stream of elements. This method allows you to perform operations such as summing, multiplying, finding the maximum or minimum, and more, with ease and elegance. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Stream.reduce(), exploring its syntax, common use cases, and best practices.

Arrays.aslist() and UnsupportedOperationException

UnsupportedOperationException is a member of Java Collection Framework, it’s thrown when an operation cannot be performed because it is not supported for that particular collection.

One of the most common causes for this exception is using the Arrays.asList() method, Let’s dive into the source codes and figure out why this could happen.

Create Java List with Initial Values

In this article, we’ll introduce various ways of creating List with initial values, at the time of its construction.

We’ll first introduce how to do it with Java built-in methods. Then we’ll also share how to do it with Google Guava.

How to Check if Two Lists are Equal

There are three cases when we are talking about this topic.

Case 1: two lists are strictly equal, they have the same size, the elements in the lists have same order, and all corresponding pairs of elements in the two lists are equal;

Case 2: two lists containing the same elements, they have the same size, and there are duplicate elements within the lists. However, the number of counts each element appears in the two lists must be the same.

Case 3: two lists containing the same elements, regardless of element orders or whether the elements have the same duplication counts.

Java Stream.flatMap Method

Java 8 Stream.flatMap() method is used to flatten stream of collections to a stream of objects. In short, we can say that it allows us to combine the objects from multiple collections into a single collection.